Thursday, December 6, 2012

What's For Breakfast?

In recent years, I was an early riser.  From 5 am until 7 am, it was "me" time.  I could do things that I wanted to do unimpeded.  Yoga, housecleaning, reading... anything I wanted to do.  And then at 7, I would begin my regular morning routine.

Now, I'm lucky to be awake by 8 (which is when I'm supposed to be at work).  Luckily, I've got a pretty lenient schedule, and can show up whenever I so please, as long as I get all of my required work done by the end of the day.  So what changed?  I was happy being awake before the sun came up; why would I alter that schedule?

Two words: second job.  And it's a late night shift, two or three nights per week.  And it involves a lot of running around and lifting heavy things.  So after one year of that, it finally has caught up to me.  I can no longer work a solid 16 hours and then be bright-eyed after a mere 5 hours of sleep.

What to eat for breakfast when I'm running late? When there's no time for a bowl of whole grain oatmeal to simmer on the stove, I go for vegetables.  Generally, I avoid the processed stuff like Poptarts, doughnuts, cinnamon rolls, cold cereals.  They're expensive, and they are far too sweet for my tastes in the morning.  I like black, unadulterated coffee, and bitter things like arugula, kale, chives, and sourdough.  

This morning: a bag of fresh uncooked spinach, a few florets of broccoli, and a flat bread.

What do you eat when it's grab-n-go?

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