Gardening season is winding down. Things have changed since the last post. Books have been read. Plants have been harvested. Philosophies have been pondered. My life of simplicity has been altered in crazy ways.
I'm fluttering between the eating regimens of the Weston Price crew (emphasis on quality fats; avoidance of grains) and a Vegan/Vegetarian ideal (emphasis on quality vegetation; avoidance of meat because of its impact environmentally). Either way, locally produced, organic meats/vegetables are not in abundance here. You eat commercial beef and poultry, or you eat an orange shipped in from Florida. Take your pick.
Sewing has halted: machine is broken. Repairs will be costly.
Garden produced crazy amounts of summer squash and peppers. Tomatoes were almost nonexistent due to the weather. Corn was obliterated from bugs. I've gotten several pumpkins already, which were carved, and seeds were saved. The herb garden is astounding, but that is another post altogether.
Things that are always in my hippie house:
1) Baking soda - it's the primary ingredient in all of my homemade goods. Deodorant, shampoo, detergent all require the power of baking soda, not to mention all of the regular cleaning jobs it tackles with ease.
2) Kefir
3) Beans - particularly lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and lima beans
4) Oats / Rice of some sort
5) Ginger & Lemons
6) Tea
Wild greens are always being foraged from the backyard to be added to meals. Dandelions, stork's bill, pigweed, shepherd's purse, lambsquarters, and purslane are very common in our area, and from what I've read, they contain more minerals and nutrients than greens raised commercially.